The seven major chakras are energy wheels that stabilize and hold the human energy field and aura together. The word Chakra means "wheel" in Sanskrit. Chakras are considered to be life-force energy centers located along the spine from its base to the top of the head. Each has a specific function and is linked to the body’s endocrine system. Over time, our chakras can become congested or unbalanced from stress, illness, or environmental conditions. Balancing our chakras from the first on up to the seventh allows us to live our best life in tune with “All That Is.” When looking at how this might apply to you it’s important to differentiate between the root cause of something and a symptom. For example, you can have a headache - which is a symptom, and the cause might be the pillow you slept on. You can have a headache, which is a symptom caused by stress - which is also a symptom, and the cause of the stress might be a job that you don’t like. You must address the root cause of anything you want to change.
1st Root Chakra
Color: Red/Black
Location: The base of your spine and your tailbone
Purpose: To give vitality to the physical body. This is the center of physical reality and our basic survival traits. This is where our instincts are located. By opening and balancing our first Chakra, we feel safe, secure, and grounded. We find the energy needed to succeed in the material world.
Some symptoms of first Chakra blockages: Insecurity, self-centeredness, violence, greed, unfocused mind, anger, spinal tension, chronic constipation, and fear.
Related organs: Adrenal gland, bladder, genitals, and spine.
Stones and Crystals: Jasper, Garnet, Bloodstone, Hematite, Smokey Quartz, and Black Onyx.
2nd Sacral Chakra
Color: Orange
Location: Below your naval
Purpose: To promote a healthy digestive system, sexual energy, and reproduction. This Chakra is the seat of our emotions, needs, desires, personal power, and joy. By opening and balancing our second Chakra, we establish self-control and begin to gain insight into our existing limitations. The orange color ray is the key to joy. This awareness can bring up negative emotions or fears. When you become accustomed to and in balance with the orange ray, you will overcome these obstacles and find joy and happiness. The second Chakra also houses our unhealed inner child. Life images and traumas are stored here.
Some symptoms of second Chakra blockages: Sexual difficulties, impotency, confusion, jealousy, anger, envy, and feeling out of place with the world.
Related organs: Sex organs, bladder, circulatory system, prostate, womb.
Stones and Crystals: Orange Calcite, Orange Jade, Citrine, Orange Agate, Carnelian, and Orange Aventurine.
3rd Solar Plexus Chakra
Color: Yellow
Location: Between your navel and your ribcage
Purpose: This Chakra is the center of chi, the life force of energy. Known as the seat of personal power, it balances our nervous system. The yellow color ray of this Chakra balances the energy of the other six Chakras' color rays allowing their energy vibration to rise. This vibrational shift cleanses us and gives us energy, ambition, intuition, awareness, joy, wisdom, creativity, and self-empowerment.
Some symptoms of third Chakra blockages: Lack of ambition, power-hungry, anger, fear, digestive problems, fear of rejection, stomach ulcers, fatigue, and allergies.
Related organs: Stomach, gallbladder, liver, pancreas, solar plexus, nervous system, muscles.
Stones and Crystals: Amber, Citrine, Malachite, and Tiger's Eye.
4th Heart Chakra
Colors: Pink and green
Location: Your heart center
Purpose: This Chakra is the center of unconditional love between body and spirit. It teaches us acceptance, forgiveness, empathy, trust, love, and compassion for ourselves and others. By opening and balancing our fourth Chakra, we find the balance between giving and receiving love.
Some symptoms of fourth Chakra blockages: Hatred, jealousy, envy, fear, despair, betrayal, heart problems, blood pressure disorder, fatigue, insomnia, and cancer.
Related organs: Heart, immune system (Thymus gland and lymph system), circulatory, arms, hands, and lungs.
Stones and Crystals: Green Aventurine, Watermelon Tourmaline, Malachite, Jade, Rose Quartz, and Emerald.
5th Throat Chakra
Color: Blue
Location: Your throat
Purpose: This Chakra is the first of the higher Chakra centers and is associated with communication, self-expression, speaking your truth, and creativity. By opening and balancing our fifth Chakra, we acquire the ability to truthfully communicate our thoughts and emotions.
Some symptoms of fifth Chakra blockages: Communication and speech problems, thyroid and spleen dysfunction, ignorance, and depression.
Related organs: Thyroid, parathyroid gland, the vocal cords, esophagus, neck, shoulders and arms, mouth, teeth, trachea, and cervical vertebrae of the spine.
Stones and Crystals: Turquoise, Sodalite, Azurite/Malachite, Aquamarine, Blue Lace Agate, and Clear Quartz Crystal.
6th Third Eye Chakra
Color: Indigo
Location: Between your eyebrows
Purpose: This Chakra is great for facilitating meditation. The sixth Chakra governs the areas of psychic abilities, intelligence, telepathy, inspiration, soul realization, intuition, spiritual awakening, non-attachment, and memory.
Some symptoms of sixth Chakra blockages: Lack of concentration, fear of success, learning difficulties, chronic tension headaches, and egotistical and undisciplined tendencies.
Related organ: Pineal and pituitary glands
Stones and Crystals: Iolite, Purple Fluorite, Amethyst, Clear Quartz Crystal, and Sodalite.
7th Crown Chakra
Color: Violet/White
Located: The top of your head
Purpose: To achieve spiritual enlightenment and compassionate selflessness through the communication between mind and soul. When our 7th Chakra is balanced, we feel aligned with our spiritual self and the universe and enjoy a sense of total well-being.
Some symptoms of seventh Chakra blockages: Migraine headaches, obsessive thinking, insomnia, lack of inspiration, depression, addiction, and exhaustion.
Related organ: Pituitary
Crystals: Amethyst, Clear Quartz Crystal, and Snow Quartz.